v2.4.6 Holiday Patch Notes

Dec 22, 2023 @ 6:42pm


  • Added new stages
    • The Glaive
    • The Village
    • The Plates
  • New element selection UI for online party only and couch games
    • Set individual elements to Included, Available, or Banned
  • Added new Spell Selection Mode: Random 7 -- same as Random 7 Mirror except it's fully random and can be played FFA
  • New Ice Skin
  • Added a Sports Only preset
  • Added 3 cursed presets (Oops All Wormholes, Too Many Mages On Ice, and Bottomless Pit)
  • Added Istanbul "tr" and Dallas "ussc" servers to the server list
  • Spectate mode can now be toggled in the Online Lobby and "Game Mode" option has been removed from main menu settings
  • Added ability to show pings in the Online Lobby with Left Bumper on controller
  • Added "press any key/button to continue" to couch loading screen


  • Fixed online bug with Preserve where players would appear to stay on top of their crystal on other clients when they had actually used a movement spell to get off of it
  • Made the puck on sports slightly larger so that point-blank spells and melee attacks don't get through the center of it and hit it backwards
  • Fixed sudden death infinite loop bug
    • Spawned "vacuums" only apply to projectiles and not wizards
  • Fixed bug where bots weren't properly targeting the puck on sports
  • Fixed bug that caused Electric, Steam, and Metal skins not to unlock Somebody's Fabulous achievement
  • Fixed bug where custom secondary team colors weren't showing up on player wardrobes
  • Random controller dropping bug: removed controller caching to prevent referencing invalid controllers
  • (PC Only) Fixed bug where toggling the xInput option in the main menu would cause your controller to stop working
  • Changes to the physics layer should help the following spells work more consistently
    • Water Cannon (now also does a sphere cast instead of just a raycast)
    • Vanguard (now spawns a little closer to the wizard as well)
    • Earth Tomb
  • If a spell reactivation becomes invalid, it is now hidden and cannot be reactivated
    • Tow Vine (hook destroyed, or hooked unit dies/expires)
    • Steal Trap (trap destroyed, or trapped player unit dies/expires)
    • Hot Swap (swap destroyed, or attached unit dies/expires)
    • Backup (clone to swap with dies early)
    • Decoy (clone to swap with dies early)
    • Ice Hook (tossed crystal expires early)
  • Fixed bug where bot clones would have visible aimers, giving away which ones were the clones
  • Fixed bug where multiple worms would spawn if Wormhole was blocked by a nullifying defensive spell like Rock Block


  • Reworked physics layer to use velocities instead of overriding positions, preventing massive recalculations every frame and reducing the load on the CPU


  • Bots no longer hyperfocus a single (losing) player in team games
  • Volcano damage is now dealt every tick (like insta-kill Coffin and Airship environments), so falling into the center with Bubble Breaker or Backup active will no longer save you, preventing awkward volcano standing
  • Bots use the following spells more intelligently now
    • Frog of Life (current health is at least 15 below max)
    • Double Strike (landed a DoT spell)
    • Wormhole [close] (if traveled through, and not on lava)
    • Cold Shoulder (will whiff on purpose to transform an in-range crystal to cold)
    • Chainmail (hit by a DoT spell)
    • Discharge (hit by a DoT spell)
    • Double Strike (will use if DoT spell is landed)
    • Rewind (hit by a DoT spell)
  • Bots now prioritize using spell reactivations
    • Somer Assault
    • Tow Vine
    • North Pull
    • Hot Swap
    • Backup
    • Decoy
    • Steal Trap
    • Chameleon
    • Ice Pack
    • Ice Hook
    • Preserve
  • Increased the maximum targeting range of Bombshell from 22 to 30 to help keep the camera more zoomed in
  • Renamed "Mirror Select" to "1v1"

v2.4.4 The Pumpkin Patch

Oct 29, 2021 @ 5:42pm


  • New Stage: The Shrine!
  • New Skins:
    • Fall Event Skin!
    • Metal Skin!
  • New main menu background


  • Fixed bug where letters missing from the game's standard font were showing up as blocks in-match
  • The correct error message now appears if PC players try to play a Couch game without controllers

v2.4.3 OP stands for Optimization Patch

Oct 15, 2021 @ 8:26pm


  • Rocket: range increased by 15%
  • Suspend: adds 30% bonus to stored knockback
  • Chainmail:
    • Windup time increased from 0.25s to 0.35s
    • Always lasts 5 seconds if triggered (will not last longer from DoT)
    • Winddown time increased from 0.35s to 0.55s
    • Cooldown increased by 2 seconds
  • Double Strike: final strike is now delayed by being petrified, sustained, or mid-rewind
  • Flame Leap: damage no longer triggers on unit collision -- it only triggers on landing
  • Wormhole: now collides with ground and other Wormholes, reducing unintended interactions
  • Urchain:
    • Collision now triggers on entering a Wormhole rather than yeeting players around until expiration
    • General velocity on pulled units is now dampened to prevent/reduce MageQuit Space Program effect
  • Air stages will no longer appear for players until after their first 3 element unlocks
  • Coffin tip now says "Move the windwall by pushing as a team"


  • Fixed bug where sometimes Chain Lightning would remain up for some players for the rest of an online match
  • Fixed bug where Steal Trap could one-shot someone if the caster died before the trapped unit landed next to another unit
  • Cooldown bar no longer appears during showdown if your wizard is not in the showdown
  • Score submission fixes
    • Score-submission tries up to 5 times on request failure
    • Scores should no longer be submitted duplicate times or zero times
  • Jeff The Shark no longer gets stuck circling waypoints or gets caught on terrain
  • Players can no longer navigate past "Do Tutorial First" message in Online using a controller
  • Fixed bug where some spells couldn't be clicked (or tapped on) on in the Practice Range
  • Fixed bug where the bug report button is sometimes autoselected and causes the player to pop open the bug report console accidentally


  • Announcements now appear for Nintendo Switch
  • Console players can now access the special signup page in-game via QR code
  • Submit multiple local player scores
    • Spoils will now be awarded based on the top-scoring local player, rather that just the main player
    • The +scores discord command will now show multiple local players instead of just the main player
  • Updated tournament signup page
    • Signup page shows local time for tournament as well as an option for saving the event to Google Calendar
    • Players can now link their Discord accounts using the signup page
    • Signup page verifies that users are in the MageQuit Discord before they can sign up


  • Updated DOTween library to reduce FPS drops
  • Cached GetPlayer Rewired calls to improve general framerate throughout the game
  • Astar Pathfinding
    • Astar now uses a Singleton pattern to prevent unnecessary creation and destruction of threads
    • Enabled multi-threading on Nintendo Switch which would previously crash the game due to thread creation limit
    • Stage pathfinding is now loaded from cache rather than being calculated on scene start
  • Reduced raycast length for "on ground" detection to improve performance
  • Created static duplicates of each island to improve performance -- when an island sinks, the static counterpart is disabled and the non-static one is shown

v2.4.2c Custom AI Patch Notes

Sep 21, 2021 @ 5:29pm


  • Custom Bots for Party Only and Couch!
    • Bot difficulty can be set to 1-10
    • For Online Party, you can also set bot difficulty to Auto
    • Bots are auto-assigned to teams based on player team selection
    • Any matches with custom bots (with the exception of "Auto") will not update player MMR since explicit bot difficulty is hard-coded and therefore could be farmed

v2.4.2b2 Spell HUD Patch Notes

Sep 13, 2021 @ 6:38pm


  • Spell Cooldown HUD (optional, but defaults being shown)
    • Spell Cooldowns and prompts can now be shown at the bottom of the screen if you are the only local player
    • They can be toggled off by pausing the game and pressing "W" on keyboard or "X" on Xbox controller
    • They will always be shown when you pause the game if you want to see what your spells are
  • "Where am I" prevention: added nicer player name position transitions for single online players (will grow and move smoothly between previous and current location)
    • Flash Flood
    • Wormhole
    • Hotswap
    • Decoy (Swap)
    • Backup (On Hit and Swap)
    • Sunder (Teleport and Hit)
  • Auto-balancing teams in Party Only now works properly (party leader can pick a team and let everyone else get auto-assigned)
  • Mouse and keyboard controls now actually show the mapped button during the draft above the spell video
  • Mouse and keyboard controls now show the remapped prompts during the loading screen and in the practice range
  • Added new UI arrows to indicate changing teams in Party Only
  • Shuffle Tournament system updates
    • Change the match-up algorithm to use skill * 5 + shuffle score instead of just xp or shuffle score
    • Sadbot now automatically moves players to their respective voice channels
    • Added enough team names to accommodate 184 players in the shuffle
  • Added tip for curved double strike
  • Show a notice to the player when they aren't logged into the platform (Steam, Xbox, etc)


  • Updated the skill-based matchmaking to prevent new players from quickly over-inflating their MMR
  • Players can now find themselves easier
    • Using Text Mesh Pro instead of Text for names so they are crisper / easier to read
    • Added new white arrow below the health bar and above the wizard for the local player
    • Arrows will not show up for clones unless playing with local players who are not on your team
  • MageQuit now shows the same controls for all players if there is only one local player playing in online
  • All wizards will be shown as having mouse and keyboard cooldowns if only local player is using mouse and keyboard
  • Add new tip to Mouse & Keyboard controls in tutorial saying you can also plug in a keyboard
  • Add prompt for hitting Spacebar at the end if doing the tutorial again with M+K
  • Keyboard Remapping is now gated behind completing the tutorial so that new players can make more informed mapping choices
  • Changed maximum ping on matchmaker from 185ms to 165ms to reduce high latency matchups


  • Fixed bug where MageQuit would hang if a player left at the exact moment the scene is loading, before wizards are spawned
  • Fixed bug where players would occasionally be booted back to couch at the end of an online game
  • Fixed bug where player XP wouldn't persist if their name included a pattern that the web server flagged as a SQL injection attack -- MageQuit now retries the request with all non-ascii characters stripped out if the first one fails

v2.4.2b Gotta Go Fast Patch Notes

Jul 29, 2021 @ 6:29pm


  • Too many updates to list here, but the main one was updating to a new, faster post-processing library


  • WASD keys can now be individually remapped to accommodate international or atypical keyboards
  • Sports goal pillars now match their owning team colors
  • New loading screen tips
    • To fake a clone swap, curve the reactivation
    • Jeff the shark always targets the nearest mage
  • Hints will now appear in the tutorial if the player is taking too long
    • How to curve a spell (hold curve button before starting the cast)
    • How to reactivate Somer Assault to jump


  • All spell descriptions have been updated to be more concise
  • Couch UI has been visually updated to match the rest of the MageQuit UI
  • Spells that have not been unlocked by the player are no longer usable in the Practice Range until they've been unlocked


  • Fixed bug where a leaving player in quickplay teams would be replaced with a player that isn't assigned a team
  • Fixed bug where Frog of Life would toss the tadpole into the sky, indefinitely zooming the camera out for the rest of the round
  • Fixed bug where Deflect could redirect someone and apply a y-velocity, launching them into the kill-ceiling
  • Jeff the Shark now starts farther away on Islands so he is less likely to devour someone before the match begins
  • Tutorial no longer shows the Melee prompt in loading screen after the Movement spell has been learned
  • Mirror 7 and Mirror Select no longer highlight spells one-at-a-time in the loading screen since they've all been learned already
  • Can no longer get stuck in couch menu after exiting out of an empty name with B

v2.4.2 Skillbased Matchmaking Patch Notes

May 18, 2021 @ 11:06pm


  • SKILLBASED MATCHMAKING! Enjoy close matches instead of one-sided poundings
    • Using glicko2 (a successor to Elo) and all MageQuit match history since August 2020, hidden skill values have been seeded for all players
    • FFA skill is tracked by treating the match as a "race"; skill of top half of players increases, skill of bottom half decreases
    • 1v1 skill is tracked based on final score: 3-0 is a 100% win, 3-2 is a 60% win, etc.
    • Teams skill is tracked based on final score like 1v1, but is adjusted based on player contribution (damage, healing, kills, etc)
    • Improved region-based matchmaking to include ANY good enough regions, not just the best one
    • If you ask me what your hidden skill value is, I will reset your skill and tell you "average"
  • Chosen quickplay modes are now saved and MageQuit will remember what modes were selected previously even if the game is restarted
  • New animated loading icon on the loading screen! Let's hear it for Chad


  • Quickplay
    • 2-Round Snake is now the default drafting system for quickplay
    • RIP Late Join Bonus for FFA: joining players now receive the average number of kills and damage and no longer receive double score for any rounds
    • Leaving a quickplay game and requeuing now prevents you from being put back into the game that you left
  • Wizards can no longer hit themselves with Glaive
  • Updated Reflex so that spell direction is based on wizard facing, and is cached on-hit -- this prevents the WASD advantage of aiming independently
  • Vacuum updates
    • Duration reduced from 5s to 4s
    • Vacuum now temporarily increases the mass of the center unit to reduce chaotic drifting
    • All force is now added locally, rather than being sent over the network every fixed update for each unit (aka, this will prevent Xbox One S crashing from 3+ Vacuums)
  • Tsunami updates
    • No final knockback for units who aren't touching the Tsunami
    • Increased mass of Tsunami so it pushes units better
  • Updated Earth Tomb so that the target's position is only reset if they are within a certain distance (prevents teleport resets)
  • Team Colors
    • Kill feed now shows custom colors properly
    • Reduced the threshold for changing the other team's colors if too similar
    • Secondary color is now used as well when deciding what default team color to switch the other team to
  • Tower Updates
    • Tower now always includes the center of the map in the camera view so that cooldowns aren't cut off
    • Ramps on Tower always stay up now
  • Fixed typo "an windwall"


  • Online
    • Fixed bug where sometimes player 1 wouldn't actually determine if a party only game was teams or not (caused by party leader being replaced)
    • Custom team colors that are too similar are now corrected for spectators (tournament or not) and midgame joiners
    • Updated font for late join/leaver message text and made it not wrap for long names which was causing part of it to remain on the screen
  • Spells
    • Fixed a bug that was preventing wizard collisions from being detected if the wizard was already touching when the spell became active (North Pull, Capacitor, Bull Rush, Rewind, Flameleash, Tow Vine, Flame Leap, Urchain, Chain Lightning)
    • Colliders for Vanguard and Rock Block are now deeper (into the ground) to prevent projectiles going under them
    • Fixed bug where blocking damage with Backup would still add wizard as a Double Strike target -- Backup will now cause the clone to become a target of Double Strike instead
    • Fixed bug where Double Strike would leave spinning indicators if the caster died
    • Fixed bug that prevented Tetherball from being knocked back by the Puck
    • Fixed bug where Urchain wouldn't connect if the caster died before it collided
    • Fixed bug where wizard would continue to take damage from Tonic if Hotswap or swapping with a clone was used to escape it
    • Fixed bug where a clone stolen by a Steal Trap would change back to its original color after taking damage
    • Fixed bug with Tetherball where it occasionally wouldn't attach to its target -- most prevalent on Xbox
    • Fixed bug with Chain Lightning where it wouldn't pull some of its targets and wouldn't appear on those players' machines -- most prevalent on Xbox
    • Fixed bug with Seven Tears and Rock Block where it was creating 14 tears instead of 7
    • Fixed corner case where stealing Reflex with Chameleon and then using it would only ever force the utility spell to be cast regardless of spells cast in between
    • Chainmail now works properly even if damaging wizard is already dead
    • Sapshot now cleans up faster so that spells like Urchain or Tow Vine are less likely to glitch around being pulled into it after it's gone
    • Wormhole now cleans up faster (especially when closed early) so the camera zooms back in sooner and spells like Urchain don't target it after it's gone
  • Upgraded our controller library "Rewired" to fix a bug involving XInput (sometimes more than 4 players weren't being supported)
  • Fixed dozens of additional code exceptions across the game

v2.4.1 Spring Cleaning Patch Notes

Jan 31, 2021 @ 12:35am


  • New unlockable skin: Steam!
  • Updated spell previews for all 63 spells, recorded by Banaa
  • Ranked has ended, so new ranked rewards have been assigned
    • Plat and higher have been assigned the Wiggly Octo Staff
    • Gold and higher have been assigned their respective rank borders
  • Added a notification when someone is pending a join in a party only or tournament game
  • Added metal and steam combos to practice range


  • Fixed a bug were Urchain wouldn't work if there was too much debris on the field. Fixing this also resulted in a performance improvement where debris is no longer in a collision layer that any spells use


  • Deflect now changes the color of spells like Pet Rock, Lightning Bug, etc.
  • Lowered Islands slightly so spells and wizards don't get stuck on the edges AS MUCH
  • Raised the flying height of Spark so that it doesn't get caught on the ground randomly
  • Now that it's almost Spring again, all in-game Spring themed assets have been removed from the stages

v2.4.0 "Steeling The Show" Patch Notes

Jan 22, 2021 @ 7:38pm


  • New Element: Metal!
  • New options for online party only and couch
    • Restrict Elements: choose a number of elements to leave out (e.g. Restrict 1: no Metal, Restrict 2: no Metal or Steam)
    • Include Element: you can now select an element that will always be 1 of the 4 for draft modes


  • Spitfire Updates
    • Can now be moved around with knockback (most of the caster's spells will not push it, same as with other units)
    • Wind-down time increased from 1.5s to 2s, Wind-up time remains 1s
    • Now shows the color of the owning player
  • Resized and repositioned spell descriptions so they don't get covered by UI


  • Fixed an online bug with Capacitor that allowed it to be set off after the 5 seconds expired
  • Fixed HP bugs in the practice range
    • Health is no longer missing after a practice range reset (F1 or dpad left)
    • Health now shows the correct amount after unpausing
  • Fixed bug that allowed players click Play before pings were complete, causing lobby issues
  • Fixed super high jump bug that would sometimes happen with Somer Assault + Cyclone (caused by gravity reset from previous Somer Assault)
  • Fixed super high jump bug that would sometimes happen with Chain Lightning (caused by gravity reset immediately after final bounce)
  • Fixed bug where wizard would continue to huddle if they were Sustained and the tree was destroyed by another spell e.g. Pillar of Fire
  • Rewind now cleans up properly after cast
  • Fixed bug in wardrobe where Quill or other "outside the game" unlockables would show as unlockable if you previously highlighted another item that was unlockable

v2.3.9 Ultimate Shuffle Patch Notes

Nov 20, 2020 @ 4:33pm


  • Fixed bug where party only teams rejoin wouldn't properly assign the team for non-host/non-rejoiner
  • Match settings are no longer overwritten by someone joining the party while a match is active
  • Fixed bug where players weren't actually leaving the queue when they clicked Back in the online lobby
  • Fixed bug where if party leader leaves online queue, other party members were staying in queue


  • Added South Africa to list of relay server regions
  • Rejoins are now supported for tournament matches


  • Shuffle tournaments are now handled completely using the in-game tournament queue, and discord for communication
  • Signing up for the next tournament can now be done while the current tournament is active
  • Placement matches automatically have mercy rule off and playoffs have mercy rule on
  • Shuffle tournaments now support 4v4s in the case the number of attendees not being divisible by 6
  • Shuffle teams will now be assigned random fun names instead of Matchup #X Team #Y
  • Links to stream, standings, and next tournament signup page show up on the waiting screen in game while in queue
  • Spectators can now also queue for tournaments so room codes no longer need to be coordinated
  • Players in the tournament queue who aren't signed up for the tournament are now kicked out; this previously caused bugs with seeding
  • Several other improvements to tournament standings and signup webpages as well as discord commands

v2.3.7 International Patch Notes

Oct 29, 2020 @ 4:53pm


  • Automatic Region Calculation (MageQuit will now use the best region server instead of always defaulting to US East)
    • When entering online lobby, MageQuit will ping all 13 regions around the world for timing data
    • Ping is now used in quickplay matchmaking calculations, currently only allowing matches to regions within 160ms
    • When starting a match, matchmaker finds the lowest average ping to determine which region server to use
    • Lobby is still global, in that you can still invite friends to your party regardless of their region pings
    • Press Left Shift to see your pings in the online lobby
  • Team Rejoin for Party Only
    • Players can now rejoin a team game if they were disconnected from it
    • Keeps kills (as part of team score) of players who are disconnected
    • Reassigns "disconnected kills" back to player if they rejoin the team game
  • Added "press A to join" prompt in the online lobby so new players know there is multiple local player support online


  • Fixed flashing Play Menu bug
  • Fixed bug that would allow you to heal past full health and in some cases add a negative value to your healing score
  • Replacements in quickplay teams now properly retain the kills of leaving players
  • 2 round snake midgame join no longer leaves a spell on the table
  • Fixed bug that prevented players from dying from Volcano while Deflect is active
  • Made lava no longer cover kill trigger of volcano after it rises to a certain height
  • Bubble Breaker no longer counts amount healed on each client
  • Fixed bug that caused inconsistent final scores from being submitted by preventing healing and damage from being scored locally after round scores are submitted to master client


  • Wind walls now stay up for the first 10 seconds in free for all on Coffin
  • Adjusted spawn points on tower so that player 1 and 2 start equal distance from a ramp
  • Set ranked requirement back to level 15

v2.3.6 3v3 Shuffle Patch Notes

Sep 4, 2020 @ 8:26pm


  • Fixed bug that allowed you to buy restricted cosmetics anyway with controller
  • Fixed bug where Couch game would get stuck after round 11 if playing Less Random stage mode
  • Fixed bug where sometimes the online play modal would flash on and off after a match ends
  • Fixed a bug where Bubble Breaker would give healing credit to the player who popped the bubble rather than the Bubble's caster


  • Selected quickplay game modes are now stored between play sessions
  • Damage dealt, healing applied, kills, and deaths are now shown briefly at the end of a game

v2.3.5 Just a Lil Patch

Aug 28, 2020 @ 10:13pm


  • Fixed that bug that sometimes caused number of rounds played to be set to 0, shorting players of xp and gems
  • Spacebar no longer starts a couch game if there are no players joined
  • Updated Rewired to fix a bug caused by a windows update that prevented controllers from working with Xinput Off
  • Fixed an exception in the RoundRecapManager, which ended up breaking the tutorial, so fixed that bug as well
  • Fixed an exception with Wormhole caused by a player dying before their worms cleaned up


  • Pit will no longer appear in round 1


  • Added the Lightning Bug Staff, Shoes, and Cup cosmetics for IGL Fall Season
  • Added IGL member cosmetic
  • IGL and Tournament signups active

v2.3.4 Summer Event Patch Notes

Aug 7, 2020 @ 2:34am


  • New multi-queuing system for quickplay plus 2 new quickplay modes! Queue for ANY or ALL of these:
    • FFA
    • 1v1 (new)
    • 3v3 (new)
    • Chaos (4v4 or 5v5)
  • Ranked rewards for spring ranked season
    • Player Cards: show off your rank from last season during the draft with these card borders
    • Upgraded Spring Egghead: Plat or higher in the previous season receive the first-ever animated skin piece
  • New Summer event skin! Play 30 games this season to pick it up in the Wardrobe
  • New ranked season starts today!
    • Ranks are reset, but this season's placements will take into account your performance and IQ from last season when placing you
  • New Summer event main menu background
  • New UI online lobby


  • Players are now ordered by damage dealt + healing applied instead of just damage dealt
  • Double sustain no longer stacks bounces
  • Increased windup time for Bullrush from 0.23s to 0.45s


  • Fixed bug where leaving ranked queue doesn't actually leave ranked queue
  • Fixed bug where 3 hour Friday and Saturday ranked queue didn't work if you try to start the game up after 11pm EST
  • Fixed bug that allowed spectators to queue for ranked
  • Tow Vine no longer shows up on top of everything


  • Updated pathfinding library for optimal Jeff

v2.3.3 Anti-Frustration Patch Notes

Jul 13, 2020 @ 8:10pm


  • New stage: The Berg!
  • New stage: The Pit!
  • Main menu has a beautiful new font courtesy of babiierika
  • Added new random stage option "Less Random", this is the new default for Competitive and Mirror Select presets (including ranked), and should be used for IGL matches going forward; with this stage mode:
    • Ramps stay up on Tower
    • Volcano does not erupt randomly
    • Airship propellers will hit to the center of the map
    • You will never play the same stage within 9 rounds


  • Stage tweaks:
    • Airship propellers now hit for 30 instead of 20
    • Bridges will no longer appear in any 2-player matchups (not just)
  • Shark "Jeff" updates:
    • Shark was reworked to dive and deal damage on the client of the wizard who is being attacked so it feels more 1-to-1 with a local game; tldr: no more "I WAS ON LAND" or dying far away from the shark when playing online
    • Shark collider now disables when the shark dives so you can run or throw spells through dat boi
  • Ranked updates:
    • Ranked scoring has been updated to be less punishing and allow for faster climbing
    • Added ranked leaderboard to website
    • Increased Mirror Select pick time from 20 to 25 seconds
  • Spell rebalancing/bug fixes:
    • Leech: hitbox size reduced, now ignores collisions with anything it can't stick to, rather than disappearing
    • Capacitor can now stick to any unit (Pet Rock, Leech, Lightning Bug, Puck, Turtle, Spitfire, Frog, Shark), reduce cooldown by 1s
    • Capacitor now triggers before Shark attack damage, which will counter Bubble Breaking the shark
    • Capacitor now triggers on any client, not just the one who casted it -- aka if 2 wizards capacitor'd each other and walked into each other, both capacitors would go off 100% of the time
    • Somer Assault: end of short dash now halves the wizard's knockback velocity
    • Spells will no longer disappear when they hit own wizard (with the exception of return spells like boomerang or leech)
    • Chameleon now applies a 2-second 40% slow on-hit
    • Fissure: no longer randomly tilts wall colliders so that spells won't go through them and wizards won't ramp off them
    • Sustain: increased bounce height and decrease knockback to allow movement spells to counter it better -- Hot Swap will now save you on Airship / Coffin
    • Hot Swap: wind up time reduced to 0.01s to allow for mid-air swapping on Airship or Coffin
    • Boomerang and Pet Rock: increased no-hit interval to nerf vacuum combo, aka Doomerang is less OP now
    • Hinder: increased duration of slow 2.5s -> 3s
    • Flash Flood: now nullifies all knockback for 0.5s after teleport and return teleport
    • Water Cannon: increased radius of capsule collider from 0.9 to 1.2
    • Rocket: increased damage from 8->9, range, increase final explosion damage and knockback
    • Compound: windup time 0.6s -> 0.65s, winddown time 1.4s -> 1.5s
    • Clones now have 1/3 health instead of 1/2 - increased clone explosion damage 14 -> 18 and knockback 50 -> 60
    • Sunder: increased hit box radius 1 -> 1.35
    • Relapse: made status particles even more obvious
    • Vanguard: if wizard was moving when it was casted, it would sometimes end up anchored to the player wrong on other clients; this is now fixed
    • Tow Vine: no longer gets stuck on nearby walls when you cast it, unless aimed at the wall
    • Rocket no longer gets stuck in wormhole with 0 velocity
    • Wormhole no longer kills lightning bug
    • Increased hitbox of decoy 1->1.25, increased reactivation window 2.5s -> 4s
    • Increased reactivation window of Backup from 2.5s -> 4s
    • Suspend: increased slow % from 30 to 40
    • Reactivating swap for Decoy no longer leaves a disk on the ground for other clients
    • Rocket no longer goes through walls after hitting a unit
    • Boomerang no longer disappears if it hits a unit owned by you
    • Hot Swap no longer disappears if it hits an invalid unit
    • Bombshell: turtles are now 10% faster
    • You can now hit your own clones with Time Bomb now
    • Sunder and Backup will now teleport you on TOP of ground or walls rather than inside of them in specific cases

v2.3.2 Standardized Health Patch Notes

Jun 22, 2020 @ 10:09am


  • Made Medium Health the new standard health for all modes
    • For classic draft modes, health starts at about the same place, but by round 7 ends up at 90 hp instead of 65 (old low standard) or 110 (old medium standard)
    • Hazard damage over time (from lava, etc) has been reduced by 33% to make low-knockback spells better given the standard health adjustment

v2.3.1 Steam Spells and Ranked 1v1 Patch Notes

Jun 18, 2020 @ 10:09am


  • New Element: Steam!
  • New Queue: Ranked 1v1!


  • Fixed a bug where your online status would still show up as In Game to friends who were already in lobby when your game ended
  • Tow vine broken
  • Patch North Pull do not do damage after the dash
  • Practice Range doesn't show up on first main menu load because prefs file is slow to load
  • "Duplicate view ID found" on beta in practice range -- try setting Offline flag for local play

v2.3.0 Spring Event Patch Notes

Apr 18, 2020 @ 12:09am


  • New Stage -- Airship!
  • New seasonal cosmetic!
  • New seasonal main menu background
  • Literal easter eggs added to stages for your enjoyment
  • New custom game settings (for party only and couch)
    • New spell selection option: 2 round snake draft (first 2 spells are drafted before the first round with snaked draft order)
    • New spell selection option: Random 7 mirror (requires even teams; the same 7 spells are randomly assigned to each opposing pair of players)
    • New spell selection option: Random (same as classic draft, but spells are assigned randomly)
    • Mercy rule: Game ends early if the losing team can't possibly catch up
    • New stage selection option: Random or choose a specific stage to play over and over
    • New number of rounds option: Choose any number of rounds between 3 and 20
    • New max health option: Low, Medium, or High health
    • New preset option: contains presets for all the other options (Standard, Competitive, Mirror)
  • New earnable spoils
    • First Win of the Day Bonus! Win a game daily to receive 150 xp and 25 gems; bonus is available every 20 hours
    • Party Bonus! Earn an additional percentage of xp for playing with a group: +10% for party of 2, +15% for party of 3, +18% for party of 4, +20% for party of 5+
    • Win bonuses now account for team games: 10 xp, 5 gems to winning team
    • FFA win bonuses now account for number of players: e.g. loser of a 1v1 doesn't get a "second place" bonus
    • Gems earned from kills in a team game are split evenly across all players on that team
    • Match Complete rewards are now proportional to number of rounds played: 5 + 5 * rounds
    • If Mercy Rule is on, winning team receives 5 xp and 2 gems for each round skipped due to the rule
  • Team colors that are too similar are now automatically adjusted to be different enough to tell apart
  • Existing spells are now shown during the draft if you hold Shift or a Trigger


  • Fixed bug that caused some players to skip the loading screen and be able to move and attack before the round starts
  • Fixed Chain Lightning infinite run bug (was caused by a bounce target dying before getting hit, and the spell not resolving properly)
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes after a spell is drafted, the video doesn't line up with the selected spell
  • Made random draft mode actually pick spells randomly
  • Fixed bug in tutorial that would sometimes give you Bull Rush, making the tutorial impossible
  • Updated raycast system to not count trigger colliders, fixing issues with watercannon sometimes not hitting, or wizards being able to stand on trigger regions
  • Fixed a bug where gems earned from kills were counting twice in the score screen, but not in the database
  • Fixed bug where selecting a specific map in party only (or couch) may force that map every game for quickplay afterwards
  • Made it so F1 only takes you out of convention mode and loads the main menu scene if you are actually in convention mode when you press it


  • Reverse priority for damage dealt draft order so higher damage with same kills gets draft priority; for final round, ordering switches back
  • Raised the level cap to 150
  • Adjusted Earth Tomb again so it doesn't block tsunami/vanguard and you can't cast spells through it at close range
  • Player order on teams is now randomized for spawning

v2.2.39 Bug Extermination Patch Notes

Apr 4, 2020 @ 2:50am


  • Fixed bug where player ids and teams were being modified over the matchmaker mid-game, causing the following round not to initialize properly for all players (a.k.a. black bars bug -- doesn't look like someone left, just that one wizard was never created)
  • Fixed bug where someone quitting would cause game to not work for everyone but one person the following round, then another person disconnects
  • If host leaves during draft, draft no longer hangs
  • If host disconnects while loading, new host no longer kicks other players
  • If host drops on start-up, new host no longer tries to sync using round -1 instead of 0
  • Fixed bug where the final wizard or team would be invulnerable and the game wouldn't progress if last person to leave before score screen dies from leaving
  • Game now ensures match-updated message from the matchmaker fires on each client before server updates scores, roundsJoined, and draftedSpells
  • Ending a game on Islands no longer breaks the practice range


  • Added a tip to loading screen to not stand in enemy Tonic
  • Added the room code system to Xbox One


  • Reduced windwall push on Coffin by 33%

v2.2.37 MacOS Support Patch Notes

Mar 20, 2020 @ 2:50am


  • MageQuit is now available on MacOS!
    • Unfortunately, this will not work with Catalina because MageQuit is not notarized (I don't have a Mac)
  • Tutorial now allows switching between controllers / mouse and keyboard
  • New 3s tournament functionality
    • Update web bracket view for teams
    • Discord bot (Sadbot) now creates a voice channel for each team in the MageQuit discord
    • Tournament system allows queuing as a party of 3 for teams tournaments
  • Added new costmetics:
    • Indy Gaming League Sunglasses cosmetic
    • Tournament Crown II (for online 3s tournament)


  • Fixed a bug that would cause the camera to not contain all wizards (most commonly on bridges)
  • Fixed mouse selection for 3rd row wardrobe items
  • Fixed roughly 50 exceptions that should reduce in-game bugs and help with overall stability
  • Fixed inconsistent aiming for WASD controls


  • Fixed typo in Frog of Life description
  • Late join bonus no longer counts towards Pentakill achievement
  • Extended all disconnect timeouts
  • Turned off photon disconnect handler in an attempt to reduce disconnects


  • Removed mesh exploding pieces from tonic as you can't see them anyway

v2.2.36 Re-Balance Bug Fixes Patch Notes

Feb 19, 2020 @ 6:18pm


  • Fixed Deflect (optimizations from the previous patch had broken Deflect online against most spells)
  • Sync late game join bonuses with all newly joining players (fixed bug that caused scores / draft order to be out of sync)


  • Shrank kill feed and made it more see-through

v2.2.35 BIG RE-BALANCE Patch Notes

Feb 10, 2020 @ 9:20pm


  • Double points for late joins
  • Kill feed to show who killed who and how during a match
  • Added scrolling to wardrobe system
  • XP is now displayed by level in player card on main menu
  • Added 4 new combos to the practice range tips
    • Supercharge
    • Supercharge+
    • Death Charge
    • Death Taxi


  • Wormhole now holds and refreshes its projectile before teleporting it (spark actually teleports now)
  • Puck now only applies knockback and damage if being knocked toward you (fixes Tow Vine backfire on puck)
  • Fixed rare bug where there would be more kills than wizards in team Sports
  • Bullrush no longer prevents first instance of knockback after the rush is over (for about 2 seconds)
  • Wizards will no longer clip through Earth Tomb!!
  • Recasting Chameleon no longer causes Fireball to go on a 10 second cooldown


  • Increased range of Spark slightly
  • North Pull tweaks
    • Increased damage
    • Decreased cast time of second dash
    • Added client-side prediction to dash
  • Lightning Bug tweaks
    • Increased explosion damage 50%
    • Fixed bug with pull damaging teammates
    • Increased pull range by 10%
  • Discharge tweaks
    • Reduced duration to 4s
    • Increased cast time from 0.25s to 0.5s and cooldown from 20s to 22s
    • Changed discharge return damage to be actual projectiles with jetstream speed
  • Capacitor tweaks
    • Increased damage 25%
  • Chain Lightning tweaks
    • Decreased bounce range by 20%
    • Decreased damage over time by 50%
    • Increased impact damage slightly by 20%
    • Reduced max duration from 6s to 5s
    • Made bounces only target objects they can hit
  • Buff Tonic DoT, HoT, and AOE
    • Healing over time increased 50%
    • Damage over time increased 33%
    • Increased AoE 20%
  • Lowered cooldown of CyClone from 15 to 10 seconds
  • Frog of Life changed healing to only be 50% for enemies
  • Electric is no longer in every game
  • Bubble Breaker
    • Reduced max heal by 20%
    • Made bubble ending more elegant
  • Vacuum updates
    • Added vacuum sound for the duration
    • Now has a unique looking projectile
    • Pull no longer occasionally tips things sideways
  • Relapse now has a more obvious particle effect
  • Vanguard updates
    • Energy wave now travels through obstacles like Tsunami
    • Energy wave can now be affected by Deflect, Pillar of Fire, Vacuum, and Vanguard
  • Tsunami now does 10 impact damage instead of 15, but now also does 5 damage per second during contact
  • Boomerang and Pet Rock now have a buffer for on-hit so the interactions (with vacuum) happen predictably
  • Removed death beacons from coffin
  • Removed windwalls on Coffin for 3-team games
  • Readjusted height of lava collider / stages for Tower and Ruins so the damaging regions are more consistent
  • Water Cannon updates
    • Added raycast check for walls
    • No longer able to spin the cannon after cast, but can apply curve it to turn the wizard a set amount during the cast
    • Added more particles
  • Petrify now delays (finishing) casting a spell until petrification is complete
  • Slightly nerfed vacuum + pet rock or boomerang
  • Moved movement spell velocities to their own vectors (this means knockback during the listed movement spells will no longer be completely overridden)
    • Sustain (override this new vector while in the branches)
    • Somer Assault
    • Flame Leap
    • Bull Rush
    • North Pull
    • Chain Lightning
    • Suspend (will no longer absorb Somer Assault and Flame Leap casts)
  • Overhauled wizard movement network syncing to be much smoother (should see a lot less jitter in the movement and knockback prediction of enemy wizards online now)


  • Updated overlap spheres to only check for unit, projectile, and not ground layers
  • Added a range check to the shark, so it just swims straight once it's far enough away from the stage